Chapter 16

Chapter 16

Rosaline's POV:

Omgggg! He walked me out of school! Such a gentleman! I keep replaying that incident in my head.

I look at the time...it's Almost 6pm. I decide to message him a good luck message for his tomorrow's paper.

Me: Heyyyy! Good luck for your EGD paper tomorrow ☺️

I eat and get ready for bed...by now it's almost 8pm. I check my phone and notice that my Hunter had seen my message! OMG but why hasn't he replied yet? Millions of thoughts invade my mind but they soon come to a halt!

I notice that he is typing something to me! OMG this is gonna be the first time I talk to him! What if tonight is the night that we have our first conversation!

5 minutes pass...still typing? Oh my gosh! Is he also thinking what to type just like I was confused first?

Hunter: hey thx,you know I got it on point 🕵️👌

OMG he responded! This feeling is better than winning the lottery! But Rose,you haven't won the lottery ever! Oh shut up stupid and respond to Hunter's message! But what do I say? Maybe I should keep it short and sweet?

Me:Np I know you'll do well👌

How I wish we could talk more but I wonder if he will? Just then I notice that he is typing something!

Hunter: power outages is like the worst thing,always comes at the wrong time too🤣

I instantly go in awe, because he is trying to strike a conversation with me! I decide to talk as well!

Me: fr🤣

We end up talking about random things and we pull each other's leg during the conversation! He was joking about my about line on Whatsapp. But what's funny about "Queen of hearts"?

Hunter: that thing like 50 shades🤣

How dare he laugh at Queen of hearts! That's my favourite Spanish serial. It's actually Reina de corazones but in English queen of hearts. And what's 50 shades? I remember Becca said she read it? Lemme ask!

Me: what's 50 shades?😭

Hunter: 😲can't tell you that now you gotta do your research 🤣

What's wrong with this boy! He's being so mean! Acting like it's so secretive or something!

Hunter: why you got that as your status?🤣🤣

Now this is the limit! Nobody laughs at Queen of hearts!

Me: coz it's a nice song😭 you accusing me of being bad for nothing 😭

Hunter's POV:

Damn this crazy girl! I'm laughing so much my stomach hurts! She doesn't know what's 50 shades? How in the world! I guess you do get some innocent souls out there! Lemme make it interesting! The Hunter style!

Me: gotta make it interesting 🤣

I wonder if she'll get the secret meaning behind this! That was so adorable of her to message first. She was really waiting for me huh! A buzz of my phone made me see it's crazy girl's message.

Crazy girl: what u wanna make interesting 😂

Oh my days! Do I really have to explain this too! Goodness this girl needs guidance! You know what? Forget it!

Me:damn you are really innocent 🤣 it's not just an innocent face😆

No way I'm explaining any further! For a stalker,I expected her to know so much more!

Crazy girl: what???😭

Oh god! Was I supposed to feel guilty? Well guess what? I'm not! This is too funny, pulling crazy girl's leg.

Me: don't know,I forgot already 👀

OMG I look to see this girl is already typing something! She don't like leaving Hunter alone huh? Well I won't be leaving her alone anytime soon!

Crazy girl: memory loss🤣???

Then I think,Dory had memory loss! OMG these cartoons take me back in time! But I spell Dory as Dori,coz it sounds more... extravagant! Well because whatever Hunter says is the best!

Me: like Dori 😆 hits at the best time

Crazy girl: okay atleast I get to call you Dori 😂😂😂

What the? Me and Dory! I Hunter,being the lost cause Dory! Oh but see,I'm not the lost cause Dory coz I'm 'Dori' with a 'i'.

Me: 😆you call me WHAT??? No way🤣

Crazy girl : yeah DORI you said you got memory loss🤣

I'm only Dori if you're my Nemo! Hunter what the hell! But yeah,in a few days you'll be my Nemo!

Me: 🤣you call me that I'll look the other way

Crazy girl: but you said you like Dori 😭

Awww we can't make my Nemo sad now can we? Lemme cheer her up!

Me: okay okay🤣 guess you got me on that one but only if I call you queen of innocence 🤣.

From there on, we spoke many things. She even came from my primary school! And guess what? My doubt has been confirmed! She is the girl...that thought I was being bullied when I was in grade 7!


End of chapter 16♥️

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