Chapter 15

Chapter 15

Rosaline's POV:

I wake up with a smile on my face. Today I'll see my Hunter again! I think of how I approached him...and I realize that it was the best decision I took in my entire 13 years of life!

Im in school searching for my Hunter. I'm sure you guessed, it's break time. I saw him for IT again... however we all know that's not sufficient time for me to see my Hunter!

So I see him coming down from the IT room to wait outside the boys toilet. And I instantly strike to action! "Anna,my man is there! Please let me go speak to him for 5 minutes...I swear I'll be back!" So let me tell you why I'm convincing Anna!

So we have this group project to do,so she wants to rehearse for it...and she said I can only see my man when we done,which I'm so certain is gonna be at the end of break! "No Rose, you cannot leave our group alone and go to your man!" God why doesn't she understand! Im not gonna leave the group ,I'll be back after saying a quick hi to Hunter!

I just take a glance of him from a distance, knowing I can't go to him now! I walk away sadly and continue with the rehearsal. It's fine right? I'll message him today to wish him luck for the egd paper! Yeah...I stalked the timetable.

Hunter's POV:

I look around during break to search for HER! This is the first break I haven't gotten a glimpse of her stalking me. I wonder where this crazy girl is!

The reason I'm not down is becoz I'm playing soccer! So I'm now in the school grounds. I wonder if she's searching for me but cannot find me?


I check the time on my watch, 2:23pm! Which means that soon the other grades will be finishing in 2 minutes! I can go and wait for my crazy girl,in that way I'll get to see her. I myself don't know why I wish to see her now!

So I wait downstairs the junior block and look up at her class but I can't seem to find her. The bell already went,but I highly doubt in 1 minute she managed to exit the school. I look at the staircase and see that she is blushing. Which means she saw me!

"Hello" she says so shyly with her head down. But I can't just keep staring at her can I ? So I decide to break the silence! "Where you was break time! I didn't see you" I realized that my question was more like a command! At this point I'm walking with her and she's trying to match my pace. So cute!

"I.....had to...do a...group project." She says nervously. Oh so my girl had to do a damn project,that's why I didn't see her! Well at least she has interest in school. I smile, I don't even know why I'm smiling so much around her...when I barely smile at all!

"Sorry I couldn't talk much yesterday,I was a bit busy...I'll message you today!" I instantly notice how her face began glowing. Oh so she was waiting for me to say that! I look at her smile...it's like I've become obsessed with her smile,it's addicting and its making me smile!

"Okayyyy" she said shyly. Now we come to this turn ,and she stops , thinking I'm gonna leave now. How silly! I'm not leaving so soon! I motion with my hand like a gentleman for her to continue walking and she smiles so much! That smile!

I walk ahead of her and her friend and I notice that her friend is teasing her. So I decide to break the silence

.."How you go home?"I'm curious to see now! I think it's transport though. "Transport" she says "I only leave this school around 4, coz of extra classes and Hindi" I notice how surprised she looks.

"You take Hindi... isn't it hard?" Curious little puppy huh! I begin explaining to her how it works. She looks surprised as if she's hearing this for the first time."Don't you do Eastern language?" I mean she looks like she doesn't know about it. "No they gave us the option if we wanted to do it...I chose not to!" What ! How unfair! They forced us to do it.

"They told us we'll fail if we don't do it!" I noticed her giggling at my statement. How innocent! I notice we at the end of the gate. "I'll see you then!" She shyly looks down and blushes"byeee". I walk to my class... thinking about my crazy girl!


End of chapter 15♥️

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