Chapter 12

Chapter 12

Hunter's POV:

So there's this lil girl! She's in this class, how unexpected! She was probably watching me all along! Now she's already smiling at me,how can I ignore such a cute Lil crazy girl? I wave at her to acknowledge her and my heart shifts as I see the happiness on her face.

Yesterday when it was break time, I noticed...she was there staring at me. I wonder,is she following me? Such a carzy girl! Well I won't complain... the carzy girls are the special ones.

I was watching how she was looking at me, almost as if she was trying to get herself to walk up to me. But I was interrupted when this idiot started laughing at my crazy girl!

My friends and I go to the assembly area and we join another group of friends from our class. So this 1 boy started laughing at her,coz they saw her looking at me. I was not laughing at all! She is MY crazy girl! Nobody laughs at what's MINE!

I got really upset. "you are laughing so much at her, where is your own girlfriend?" The whole group went silent when I said that! That's what I like...nobody does what I disapprove of!

I looked at her again.....I saw that she hid her face immediately when I looked at her. Sooo innocent! She thought I can't see her silly crazy moves! But anyway I ended up greeting her and she said "neighbor"....silly girl.

Soo today, after I had IT , we had to go to the hall...coz people were there to talk shit to us coz we in gr12 and all . So because of that, I missed half of break. This crazy girl,I wonder if she's searching for me.

"Finally,what a waste of time!" After what seemed to be 5 hours, they sent us to have our last 15 minutes of break! I went to the boys toilet. "Wow , that's surprising, crazy girl wasn't here!" As I exited, I was walking with my friends, when I noticed her. She was sadly walking away. Maybe she was searching for me after all.

I have my questions for this cutie now!

I walk to her and I can hear her sweet voice. "Anna what are you looking at? Let's goo" . So she's leaving without me huh. Let's see! "Hello" I say from the back of her , only to see her freeze to the spot!

She turns around.....and that shyness of hers is clearly visible by her red blush adorning her cute Lil face and her beautiful eyes cast down. "Hello" she says in a small low voice, almost like a whisper. We continue to walk...but as if God noticed how many questions I have for her,a big crowd came blocking our way from walking any further.

"I have to ask you something!" I break the silence by saying this. I notice how her face is reddening more each passing second. She looks up at me as if giving me permission to speak. "Were you following me yesterday?" I ask...holding my laughter back.

Her expression is priceless! Her eyes widen like saucers and her face gets more red. "Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo" she says, looking like a guilty puppy. I chuckle at her silly behavior...and she looks down. I know she is lying to me, but nobody can fool Hunter!

"Do you have a phone?" I ask ....I myself don't know why I want to ask this. She instantly smiles and looks up to me "yessss" Soo excited already huh! Let's see, now the show begins! "Can I have your number!" It was an instruction. I didn't intend on asking her for that,but now I want it and I'll get it anyhow!

Rosaline's POV:

OMG!!!!! He asked for my number! I can't believe it! When did I get this lucky??? "I'll go get it!" I say and skip away from him happily!

I run to Anna "Anna, he asked for my number!!!" I say happily. "Omgggg he asked for her number!!!" Anna shouts and we all start laughing and joking.

I grab a sticky note and a pencil and write my number.... being sure to add hearts to the page. I giggle happily, but then Justin starts to annoy me. "Heyyyy neighborrr!!!" Justin screams! Omgggg there goes me!


End of chapter 12♥️

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