Chapter 11

Chapter 11

Rosaline's POV:

Today is the day I'm gonna strike to action! Im gonna see my Hunter again! And I'm gonna get his number! I litterally drew out a plan on a page to get it!

I'm eagerly waiting the whole day for this time of day to come. It's third period! My man has IT now! You must be wondering how I know this? Well...we all now that Rosaline is the 5 star stalker! I should be named serial stalker by now!

My eyes are scanning the gr12s, trying to spot my Hunter. "God.....I'm feeling butterflies! Where is he?"

" Rose relax! Instead of looking outside the classroom, you should rather focus on what's happening now... inside the class!" Anna!!! Did she really have to say that now! My lollipop is far more important than this silly teacher lecturing us!

Just then, I see his grey Nike bag! And his handsome back view! I knew it's him. I look at the crowd in front of him! For the first time in history, I bless a big crowd...coz this time they are in front of my man, which means he won't be able to walk,and the highlight of the situation is that he might look in MY class and see ME!!!!!

"OMG Anna,see I told you destiny wants us to unite. Now tell me is my hair fine? I can't afford to look bad when I already embarrassed myself yesterday!" I kept on blabbering looking at him, until I saw HIM! He's staring at ME! OMG and is that a smile I see on his face!!!!! He immediately waves at me, flashing his drop dead gorgeous smile. Oh my God, I'm drooling by now!

Just then I realize that it's been quite a while and I still haven't waved back! "OMG , you are such a delayed action!"Anna is complaining,but I really don't care...coz all I can focus on is him and I ! I instantly feel the heat on my cheeks and I wave back.

Soon is break time, and as usual I race to find my Hunter. I search by the toilet,but he isn't there! "I want my man,it's been Soo long since I've seen him" I begin feeling sad and incomplete. " Are you sure he's in school today?" Sarah asks in an attempt to make me feel better,but I know I saw him!"Oh please,she litterally just saw him in the third period!" Anna says breaking the silence.

I patiently wait, hoping I'd see him! "Ohhhhh, if only my man could have been here, I would've been Soo..." I was cut off, when I saw the king of my heart walking. He was on the other side of the fence, so I knew he was gonna go by the toilet! "Justin, please you're my bestie you know, please take me by the toilet.....my man is thereee!"

"What! That sounds like a you problem! I ain't gonna go there....it's weird!" Why do they always do this when I need them! "Please Justin .....okay Sarah please....you know I'm your innocent child....take me now .... pretty please" I add my puppy eyes, trying to sound convincing.

"Ummm Rose, Anna why don't you go with Rosaline!" Sarah shouted. Wow just wow!!!! Non of them are ready to help me, after everything I had done for them! "Please Anna!" I say sounding like I'm gonna cry now. "Ughhh fine let's go!"

I happily skipped with Anna to the boys toilet, but just then, I noticed my Hunter was getting ready to leave! "Ohhh noooo! Looks like I can't speak to him today... lets just go!" I looked down, feeling like tears are gonna flow immediately.

"Anna come on let's go, why are you standing there,like you glued to the ground!" I feel like a loser now,I just missed the opportunity to talk to Hunter! "Anna what are you looking at let's goo!" Just then I freeze on to the spot!


End of chapter 11♥️

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