Chapter 10

Chapter 10

Rosaline's POV:

Literally the whole day! I've been thinking about the encounter I had with my chicken lollipop the whole day! My family was shocked when I told them that I got myself to speak to him. I mean who wouldn't be? Even I was Soo shocked that I got the courage to go and take such a big step! Best decision of my whole 13 years of existence!

"Ohh what excuse do I make to see him now Anna?" Here I am asking my friend how I can see him today. "Well you should stop now! I mean you told him! That's what you always wanted to do" why can't she understand! Yessss I only wanted to tell him, but I can make excuses to try and strengthen our bond right?

" I'll find him, and then maybe I can bump into him, and we can talk!" I mentally Pat myself on the back. "You crazy you know!" I just giggle. I'm crazy for things I want! And I'll become my chicken lolipop's friend at any cost! Even though I turn into a mouse in front of him.

I eagerly wait for the buzzer to go and...*Ringgggggggggg* finally it goes!I litterally hop out of the class. "Ohhh God! Why does a big crowd have to be here! This place is like a fish market!" I can't hold back my emotions coz I needa see my man! "Girl, there has been a crowd here since forever,ain't gonna change for you!" Justin can't shut his face. They all don't wanna see me happy with my man. Are they friends or enemies?!

After the crowd clears up,I race around the school, in search of my chicken lollipop. I reach the tuckshop area. Now I look at the back coz that's the gate for the grade 12 block, so he might exit through there! And finally I saw him! He was walking out of the gates just as I expected . I wonder if he saw me too! Did he? I waited patiently,coz maybe if he sees me, he'll stop to say hello?

I was about to walk closer...but then "ohhh God, Becca is there!" Ain't no way I'll go to chicken lollipop, if Becca is present! There's like a 99.9% chance that she'll say something ridiculous that'll spill my secrets.

"Wow! Just wow! You made us walk all the way here, to get a glimpse of that lollipop,and you couldn't talk to him!" Justin just cannot ignore something for once in his life! "Firstly.....I could not ignore Becca, secondly I'll never go to chicken lollipop...if Becca is right there coz she would've said something, and last but not least...he is not a lollipop! He is MY chicken lollipop!" I erupt and notice Anna and Justin laughing. Did I say any joke! "Yeah sure, he isn't a lollipop!" This Justin!

" Now I want to see him, I miss my chicken lollipop!" Nobody will understand coz they haven't been in love before! "Okay Rose,I'll take you! At least stop whimpering like a child!" Sarah! Finally a guardian angel is sent to lead me to my man! I instantly skip with her to hunt for my chicken lollipop!

"Now where must take you?" Sarah asks me,the annoyance laced clearly in her voice. "Wait I'm looking..... ooohhhh there he is! See how handsomeee he's looking!" I begin drooling over him! "Eww, keep your thoughts to yourself, didn't ask for entire description!" How dare she say 'eww' for my man! "You know my chicken lollipop ain't 'eww' , eww is for the things y'all talk about! Like lollipops and..." Before I can continue she just cuts me off and apologizes coz she knows, she was wrong!

"I wish I had my man's number! But I'm not Soo important to him!" I begin sulking....."but then again atleast my eyes are blessed by his sight!" God, I just cannot stop drooling over him!

"Rose could you kindly go make a move and talk to him! I didn't bring you here to stare from a distance!"

How do I even make a move? I look around trying to find a way to bump into him......but just then I realize that this isn't the Indian soapies....where you can bump into your prince charming and things will fall into place on it's own! I.... Rosaline HUNTER.....will make things fall into place!

"Come on girl.....get your butt there and talk to him for God sake!" I was interrupted from my mastermind planning by Sarah."Sarah.....you know you my bestttttt friendddd in the wholeee worlddddd!" Hopefully my puppy eyes and sweet words help me here. "OMG Rose....what do you want?"

Whattttt!!!!! Can't a friend talk sweetly to her bestie?

"Please can you..." *Ringgggg* ohhh wowwww! Just wow! The bell reallyyyyy had to go when I wanted to see my man! What does the bell have against an innocent girl like me who's only craving the sight of her man!

Just then I begin to skip away slowly and sadly. "Hello" OMG! Is that my man? Yesss it is! There in front of me was standing God's greatest creation in the world! My chicken lollipop! I was literally in loss of words! What do I say?

"Neighbor!" I smile like a crazy girl and he smiles and walks away. Just then...

It rings in my head! Who the hell says 'neighbor' when someone greets them? I'm really crazy!


End of chapter 10♥️

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