Chapter 9

Chapter 9

Hunter's POV:

So she approached me huh! She was watching me all along? Damn, I thought she was stalking my friend all along! I really did not expect that to happen! She's cute though!

I clearly remember the first time I saw her,was when she was asking for directions. Soo innocent! The first thing I noticed about her was her innocent looks. But, as I know, looks can be deceiving! However when I saw her,I felt different. I felt like she's Soo lost in this cruel world, and she needs somebody like me to guide her!

But I brushed off the feelings. I only care about improving myself and getting wealthy! That's all that ever mattered,and that's all will ever matter! I thought the school is big, and so I wouldn't see her again! However I happened to see her way more!

After that day, I had to go into the junior block way more than usual, because the damn toilet in the senior block broke! So I would casually notice her over there. Why she was standing at the boys toilet,I don't know, coz I never let little things bother me!

I would wait outside for my friends. And I would notice her a little,all I thought of her was she was attractive! But I don't get distracted by a girl's looks! However I felt something a little different that I still cannot identify. I noticed her taking a few glances at me, but it's probably coz she knew me? I don't know,maybe just casual looking?

As the days passed, I noticed she'd stare a lot more! I even noticed that she was always there when I went to the toilet. She always looked down from where she stood. I assumed she was in grade 8 or 9 ,as she was always in the junior block! And so I've come to a conclusion!

My friend, Adrien, was always with me! And so I assumed that she likes my friend! So the day when I was sure she likes Adrien, I gathered all my friends . "You see that girl on top, I'm telling y'all , she's stalking Adrien! This crazy girl likes Adrien!"

Adrien didn't want to believe me though, and so I dragged him and the rest of our friends, and we climbed the hill, right where she was! I noticed that shine of happiness in her eyes when she saw us. And so I decided to execute my plan. I sent Adrien to walk past her,so I could see her reaction!

However I checked her reaction, and was surprised! She didn't even notice Adrien walk past! She was looking at me a little. This is when I got suspicious. My friends and I knew she was following us. We nicknamed her ' crazy girl'. Suits her well! I still wondered why she followed us. The 1 time I litterally caught her staring at me! She looked soooo cute, trying to act as if she never was looking at me.

I decided to let it slide, however today cleared all my misunderstandings and confusion! She was actually stalking me! And I never knew she lived close to me! "No you not!" I tried to deny her , coz I mean she could've been lying! However when I saw her innocent, shy reactions, the way she looked down and answered, my thoughts began changing. "Yessss I am!" She still stuck to her answer.

Her cheeks were turning red. Something in my heart began stirring as I saw her innocence. I had the urge to protect her from all the cruelty of the world! "Where you stay?" I noticed her fumbling and she took quite a while to answer. "Ummm, the yellow house with the number 9 on it! You pass it all the time!" What a childish answer! Yellow house with the number 9! Sooo innocent!

" Call me when you see me!" I ordered her to do so! I wanna see her reaction. I notice her look down again but soon she raised her head to say something. "Okay, what's your name?" She asks me . Curious crazy girl huh! "It's Hunter" I shake her hand and damn! That was the longest handshake of my life! Her hands were ice cold, but it still was soothing. She held on to my hand as if she never wanted to let go! I always shake people's hands as a sign of respect, and I felt that she wished to never let go!

I hate to admit but, even I never wanted to let go! It felt different. My heart felt something it never felt before. "And your name!" Another command! And she was daydreaming. A few seconds later,as if she snapped out of her Dreamland, she finally replied"Rosaline" . So crazy girl does have a name! Rosaline,not bad I guess.

She instantly ran away with her friends and she turned back with a smile on her face. I just stared at her till she vanished. I was happy for some Reason. When I was walking home,it was raining. I was walking and just then I remembered. The yellow house with the 9 on it. I looked to the side,and there she was. Was she waiting for me? I don't know. But a smile instantly made it's way to my face and I waved at her. Her eyes shined with happiness and she smiled and waved back. The whole day I thought about my 'crazy girl'. Is this the beginning of something? Time will tell...


End of chapter 9♥️

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