Chapter 7

Chapter 7

Rosaline's POV:

I was eagerly waiting for mum to come back. Finally the door opened and I ran to the living room to welcome her! She instantly saw me there and was surprised. "Hello mum, how you doing? you want a massage? I remember it's been ages since I spoilt you!"

Wow just wow! Since when do I act like this? I'm sounding sooo weird right now it's not even funny! "Nooo relax I'm okay! Besides when I need a massage, you're always too busy!" Oh why is she saying this now. I really need his name!

"Ohhh I know why you behaving like this! You just want his name isn't?" Ohhh finally! I hope she has it! "Ohhh ma, you got Rose's man's name?" Becca! Why does she always have to start? "Yes mum exactly what I wanted to ask you!" Right now my fingers and toes are crossed! "Yesss I actually got it, I told you I know that boy!" And that's it! My heart starts beating fast...my breathing pace quickens...the butterflies are released in my tummy!

"His name is..." The moment is finally here! "Hunter, Hunter is his name!" Hunter, my man's name is Hunter! Beautiful name for the most beautiful creation! I can feel my cheeks burning with shyness! "Awww Rose is blushing!" Becca continues teasing me the whole day! My heart had a feeling that his name would begin with that letter!


So it's now Tuesday. Yesterday I of course stalked my neighbor boy, my Hunter! I feel butterflies each time I think of his name! I'm here waiting for him to come to the toilet, and here he comes! My Hunter walks sooo confidently! Ohhh I wish I could tell him who I was.

I look at him , as if my life depends on looking at him. I wonder if he noticed me yet. Did he? Only he'll know that. With all my thoughts I see him leaving and decide to leave as well. I look down from where I'm standing with my friends and he's there! Soo I'll get to see him the whole break!

I was taking glances at him the whole time. I was really happy. But then I noticed something different! Today he is looking at me! Did he notice me? Does he know that I like him? Does he know that we're neighbors? There's thousands of questions in my mind right now, but I'm too happy to care right now. I look at him when he is not looking.

I thought it would just be for that second,but he's looking at me the whole time and I'm loving the feeling. He finally noticed me! "Rose can you focus now?" My friends are chewing my brains coz I'm not paying attention to them. But I don't care, right now the only thing I'm concerned about is my neighbor boy! He soon walks closer to the hill and he gathers his friends. I wonder what he's doing?!

I continue taking glances, while running like a lunatic with my friends. I'm playful okay! Can't stop playing for anyone! "Pass the perfume" I thought I'd try the new perfume, but something caught me off guard! Neighbor boy gathered all his friends and is saying something looking at me! Well, maybe they not talking about me right? Soo I decide to proceed with the perfume, however I'm caught off guard again when the most unexpected thing happens!

Neighbor boy points at me, like his actual finger is pointing at me and he is saying something about me! It is a fact that they are speaking about me right now! I'm shocked! I accidentally spray the perfume almost in my mouth, but I luckily closed my mouth just in time! Hopefully Hunter never see that! "Rose are you okay, what are you spraying your mouth for?" My friends boom me with questions! "Didn't y'all see that? He looked at me! Chicken lollipop looked at me!"

I am really happy right now. I continue watching him and soon I see him and his friend group climbing the hill! They coming right by us! Are they coming to speak to me? OMG I don't care what they coming for, I'm just glad I get the opportunity to be sooo close to him! He stands across litterally a few foot away from me! We look at each other for a few seconds! My heart begins to beat fast...my cheeks burn with shyness. I'm probably a tomato by now! I feel the butterflies flying in my stomach!

The stupid buzzer as usual goes at the wrong time. He stops watching me, and leaves alone! What a day it has been! I walk to class smiling like a silly girl! I cuddle my teddy at night, events of today replaying in my head. Will we ever meet Hunter?


End of chapter 7♥️

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