Chapter 5

Chapter 5

Rosaline's POV:

Whole day had passed, I still could not get our encounter out of my head. When I watched him, never in my wildest dreams did I think I'd ever be blessed with the opportunity to speak to him. I know that I'd never get another chance to speak to him, but I'll always treasure that moment, the butterflies I felt, the speed my heart was beating...I want to feel it all day long. I litterally had the opportunity to tell him that I live on his road, but my voice refused to come out, my shyness didn't allow me to. I need to see him again! I will not hope anymore I'll make it happen! When Rebecca asked me about my feelings, I confessed that I do like him, and so I will find a way to explore this feeling.

I get up to the sound of my alarm. "Agrhhhh, school againnn!!!what the..." Today is the day we getting our reports!I'm sooo dead! I totally forgot with all the stalking adventures. I instantly got ready and left for school. As stressed as I was, I still hoped to see neighbor boy. Oh yeah, our code name for neighbor boy is chicken lollipop. Don't ask why we kept that name! I saw it in a movie and I liked the name, so since I like neighbor boy I can call him a name I like right?

Break finally came and we were stressing under the tree. Chicken lollipop should've been here by now! Where is he ? I really wanna see him today. Butt the whole break went and I never saw him. I felt incomplete...like something was missing. My whole mood is gone off. I was feeling sad the whole day. In the afternoon, we got our results. Guess what? I beat my enemy. I was sooo happy,but I still felt like something was missing.

The whole weekend I thought about chicken lollipop the whole weekend? Will I get to see him again? I really wish I do get to see him. On Monday we went back to school as normal. Maybe I'd see chicken lollipop??? In the morning we had to go stand in a longggg assembly for the top achievers of the school. I was just eagerly waiting for break soooo I can see neighbor boy, my chicken lollipop! I was counting down each second in class and finally break came!

I hopped out of the class and decided to wait under the tree. Righttttt, we only started being under the tree,after discovering that my chicken lollipop stands down where we can see him. Soooo I saw him walking to the toilet, and I decided I really need to see him , considering I never saw him on Friday! I convinced my friends by asking them to walk around with me,and I saw my chicken lollipop standing outside the boys toilet!

Please I'm not perverted! "Rose let's go" nooo I cannot go nowww! Lollipop is still there! "Nooo!!!!!!I like it here!see how...lovely this view is!" What the...! How could I say that! We litterally outside the boys damn washroom!

"Rosaline,we are outside the boys toilet!" Goshhhh why can't they just understand! "That's stereotypical! I mean who said a girl can't wait outside the boys toilet!?" They look at me with weird faces. Damn I look like some pervert stalking the boys, when the matter is actually me stalking 1 boy, my chicken lollipop! The next day I followed him also. I watched him by the toilet and from under the tree! The 1 time he bent down to tie his shoelaces.

Ohhh I could've tied it for him! Rose,you can't even tie your own laces. Heyyyy for him I'll learn!How can a person be sooo perfect!"Rose is seeing heaven!" My friends were laughing at me and teasing me I dunno why ."what's funny huh? at least my chicken lollipop can tie his shoelaces!" I'm defending my man! He is doing nothing wrong! He is only tying shoelaces. At this point they are laughing Soo loud, I wonder if my chicken lollipop can hear them! "Guys, stop being sooo loud, what if he hears!" But my friends continued. I'm telling you,they are more crazy than I am!

Soo I've been stalking him this entire week! Today is Friday! To get to see him by the toilet, I bribe my friend with a piece of chocolate to take me by my chicken lollipop. Everything is fair in love and war! Soo today I did the same thing. The second the buzzer went,I skipped out of the class. I bribed my cute muffin friend with chocolate and I went to complete my mission!

'Mission stalk EGD boy outside toilet!'

He walks Soo gracefully! With so much of pride and confidence. He looks so determined and focused. Soo there was this shelf kind of a thing kept outside the toilet. It had like holes meant for lunch boxes, Soo I could see him through that. Soo I was on the 1 side, while he was on the other side. Omgggg whattt!

I don't know how mistaken I am, but I currently think he just looked at me and he looks like he is almost smiling? I don't know if I'm seeing correctly, but it sure looks like that! My heart began racing, my breathing pace quickened, the butterflies were in my tummy. I loved this feeling! "Let's goo"I state happily when I see him leaving. The whole break I watched him from under the tree. But as Happy as it makes me, how long is this stalking going to go on?


End of chapter 5♥️

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