Chapter 4

Chapter 4

Rosaline's POV:

I was talking about EGD boy a lil tooo much. Everyone is looking at me like I'm crazy because I said I found him in school. My friends are only saying leave him alone . Now how can I leave him alone after finding him with sooo much of hard work and time! Nobody understands the joy and happiness of finding someone you were looking at with the dream of meeting them for over 1 year! Only Rebecca is linking me and the EGD boy together. I'd be lying if I say I don't get butterflies.

I cannot understand why I want to see him more and more...and the happiness I experience when I see him, it's unexplainable! I wanna see him againnn! It's already the next day and instead of focussing on the lesson,I'm focusing on wanting to see EGD boy. Oh I figured something new about him.

Apparently he lives on my road!!! Like on my road , OMG I was litterally living here for 4 years and never knew he stayed on my road! How stupid can I get! I need to see which house though. But it's probably on the end of the road...I won't get to see him. I'm behaving like a serial stalker but I can't help it! I need to find out more about him! It's Soo tempting.

*Ringgggggggggg* Finally it's break, I'm so hungry I could eat a horse. I go to my friend but she looks worried."Rose I needa go fetch my lunch from my brother,you wanna come with me?" Now of course a good friend will say yes so I instantly agreed. "Where is this brother of yours?" "Im not sure he was supposed to be here" I look around in search of him, how can her brother be Soo irresponsible and walk of with her lunch? Anna and I were frantically searching for him...and we were passing the boys toilet.

"Sarah do you think he's by the..." I was cut out by what I saw. My voice got stuck in my throat when I saw him...my EGD boy....my neighbor boy by the toilet! I stopped walking and stood still admiring him...this was the first time we were so close. Just a few more steps and I'd be right in front of him. "Rosaline come on we needa look for him"and even though I didn't wanna leave,I had to . I left with my heart racing and hoped to see him again.

We went all around the school and stopped in the grade 12 block. "Where is he ?we searched the whole school!" "Relax we'll find him somehow, do you know which class he's in?" I tried to scan around for 12E but I didn't know where to look because this was the first time we'd come to the grade12 block. I looked around for some source of help, maybe we could ask someone. My heart began to beat fast for an unknown reason. I knew this feeling of happiness was familiar!

My heart told me to look at the stairs and I saw a group of boys coming down the stairs and the 1 boy caught my attention instantly! It was neighbor boy! I instantly recalled that he was in grade 12 and so I can hit 2 birds with 1 stone if I ask him for directions! I'll get to find out which class and I'll get to talk to him! I mentally patted myself on the back and did a happy dance and then I decided to run after them leaving my friends behind.

"Excuse me!" They didn't hear and continued walking. I decided to go in front of them and my shyness and nervousness got the best of me by now! I went in front of them and paused. They stopped walking and I took a deep breath and looked up. I looked up to see the most beautiful brown, chocolatey eyes I'd ever seen. Sooo brown almost golden. I was Soo nervous and I wanted to keep staring. He was looking at me already. I decided to muster up the courage and speak.

"Where's 12E?" I sounded Soo ridiculous almost like a croaking frog! I mentally slapped myself but anyway I could feel my cheeks burning with shyness. The long moment of silence wasn't helping in anyway. I thought they weren't gonna answer until "I'm not too sure,but I think it's that class on the top." He spoke! My EGD boy spoke to me!

Definitely a dream come true! My heart was racing! He sounds soo good. I memorized his voice in my head. I'll definitely remember this day as we might never meet or even speak again. I continued looking at him, Wondering how someone can look Soo good. I was feeling too nervous to say anything else so I just said "okayyyy" and ran away. I watched as they walked off. My heart was racing. I couldn't stop thinking about that. We found my friend's brother eventually.

Soon I went home. I am daydreaming as I wash the dishes. Scrubbing the pot aimlessly with the running tap thinking of our encounter. I glanced outside and saw my neighbor boy walking home from school. I couldn't believe my eyes! I instantly ran ,with the soap in my hand and sponge and went to the window to look at him. I was staring at him till he passed my house. "ooohhhh Rose not bad" my sister was teasing me and Soo I was forced to explain myself"I think I......like him"


End of chapter 4♥️

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