Chapter 3

Chapter 3

1 year later - 2023

Rosaline's POV:

I guess it didn't take sooo long after all. I'm now in the second term of high school! Crazy right? Im still with all my friends and we are still United. I'm Soo happy because as expected, high school is fun! But I still feel incomplete...like something is missing. "Rebecca come on we getting late" she always takes forever. I just wanna go to school, I've been dying with boredom!

Soo weird ,when you in school you wanna come home, and when you home you wanna go to school. I can't wait to get my report, this was the first time I had to wait to get my report. High school comes with some cons after all. I finally reach school and we run to our friends as if we haven't seen each other for a decade!

We spent time laughing with our friends and making jokes. I look around and look at all the people holding the big black bag. EGD bag...that's what it is. It's a bag that students who do technical drawings have. Makes them look Soo important! I wish I could hold it too, but there ain't no way I'm taking EGD if I can't do the simplest technology drawings. So that meant, mystery boy, AKA EGD boy, also does those hard drawings.

God I forgot to say who EGD boy is. He is the same mystery boy that I stalked since last year! I saw him quite a few times when he walked to school. I wonder why he always made me sooo happy! Everytime I'd see him I would instantly run to the window and watch him, as he walks with his head held high. He is Soo dreamy.

My sister keeps teasing me but , he's just a random boy right? I thought I'd see him if I came to high school, but 1 whole term passed without seeing him, so I assume he finished school and I won't see him again. Wait why do I feel sad to say that? I did not know anything about him! But I did know something about him! He's handsome and dreamy and does EGD and maybe even lives a lil close to walk to school. But that doesn't change the fact that I'm never gonna see him again! Okay end of discussion!

So I was with my friends. We were walking around and I was talking to my 1 friend and she was telling me "stories" that apparently happened to her. Now I was just being a good friend and paying attention. This is surely getting boring, paying attention to something meaningless. But I can't just tell her to keep quiet.

Waittt whattt!!!! Am I seeing who I'm seeing! My heart begins to beat fast as I look down in front of me. My breathing pace goes quicker. I can't stop looking once again. My heart is feeling the same happiness it always felt when it saw this special someone. It's so special how I don't even know him, but I always felt Happy when I saw him. I felt like my dream is coming true! In front of me, was the dreamy boy, my EGD boy!!!!!

Heyyyy when did he become mine? But it sounds good....I wanna go tell him that I know him! And that I was watching him all along for 1 year! Actually over 1 year!!!! And that I like him so so much! Okay I think you going overboard Rosaline, calm down! But how can I calm down when he's there in all his glory right in front of me!!!

"I knowwww him!" God why did I have to scream this! What if he heard me? "Who do you know Rosaline?" Anna, my friend asked. My EGD boy is there! Right in front of me! I began narrating my whole story to them about how I first saw him and how I continued watching him every chance I got.

" So you like him?" Justin, my other friend asked like it's the most boring thing on Earth! "Noooooooooo.....are you maddd??? I'm just saying.....that I ....happened to know him?" I felt butterflies at the thought...do I.....like him??? Rosaline you gotta stop now. But....I mean....he makes me....feel happy...and like destiny....okayyyy back to the current situation! I can't stop looking at him! He is even more handsome up closeee!!!!!

*Ringgggggggggg* Stupid buzzer! Did break have to end now? Could it not see I'm looking at the most drop dead gorgeous, handsomeee young man! Okayyyy I guess it's time for class now. Till we meet again EGD boy. If we do...


End of chapter 3♥️

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