Chapter 2

Chapter 2

Time skip : 2022

Rosaline's POV:

I was sitting in the living room with my sister. We waiting to get fetched for school. It seems sooo fun how Rebecca gets to go to high school, I also wanna join her! It's unfair how she got there so fast and I'm waiting soooo long . But next year, next year is gonna be my year! I'll be going to high school too!

"You gonna leave me ALLL alone now!" "Rosaline stop being emotional,you acting like you don't enjoy school without me!" How could she even say that about me!I am her dearest younger sister! "Mummy see what Rebecca is saying about meee!" Now mark my words, mum is gonna side with Rebecca! "Leave Becca alone, she has to go school" Even I'm going to school! Leave it Rosaline!

Nobody understands me, when my prince charming comes, I'll see what they'll say. How will we meet ? Like in the Indian serials where the girl falls and the guy catches her and they look into each other's eyes and...my thoughts are broken as I look outside.

My eyes can't seem to stop looking. How can someone walk sooo perfect! He walks like the hot mafias in the Indian mafia books. Wait , how do I know how they walk? He looks so focused. Why am I even looking at a stranger I don't know. All I know is that, I wanna keep looking! Ohhh noooo he's walking away, why am I feeling sad? Hey is he in the same school as Rebecca? Will I get to see him next year? But Becca said high school is sooo big, highly unlikely to happen.

But why do I feel so tempted to meet him once, maybe twice! Rosaline stop being ridiculous! You cannot meet someone you see walking on the road ,past your house all the time! But he's sooo handsomeee! "Rosaline is that drool?" Damn my sister had to say that when I was looking so intently at mystery boy.

"Becca do you know that boy?" What! What even made me ask that!!! "Whoo??" You telling me she didn't see? "The boy that walked past, like right now, he was wearing black jacket and he was holding this big black bag and he looked so handsome and..." Just then Rebecca had to leave, leaving me all alone with my train of thoughts.

My heart yearned to see him again! But will it actually happen? I don't know how I felt Soo happy just by seeing a person walk past me. I wish I could talk to him and tell him who I am! Don't be silly Rosaline, he's not gonna be interested in some crazy lil girl saying she saw him walk past. I think about him as I leave in school.


End of chapter 2♥️

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